Neoteric Saints

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Neoteric Saints

New Collage Series by Sally Grayson

In an age where the sacred is often seen as something that touches us at deep level despite the label of organized religion, the topic of music could come into question as a form of worship.  They are idols, the rock stars, the ones who speak of things and in ways that touch us often at our deepest level.  Are they sinners, are they saints? Either way, they are often worshiped and glorified.  The religious differences of the clergy is based on the genres (beliefs) associated with that style (denomination). With the halo of hands and the flowery gift of song, these miniature shrine collages ask the question of who are the saints of the modern age.

Opening/ Vernissage Sat. 28. June. 2014 19h Palast der Republik Friedrichstraße 27, 70174 Stuttgart Live unplugged Show von Black Swift (

Closing of the Exhibition/ Vinnisage  Friday 11. July. 2014  20h Zwölfzehn Paulinenstraße 45 70178 Stuttgart (Black Swift CD Release Party)


What's the soundtrack of your life?


It takes a Saint